Late deals in Wolverhampton

Many Wolverhampton hotels offer great hotel rates and last minute deals and bargains from time to time throughout the year. These are usually for limited numbers of rooms and very much subject to availability and in big demand so you have to move fast. If you are not time pressured, the best leisure deals are usually available in leisure hotels on weekdays - and for business - at weekends. Sundays and Mondays often offer the best deals.

Remember too that there is a difference between arranging last minute travel to Wolverhampton – and getting a great late deal or hotel rate bargain. Often the closer to the date of arrival the more expensive the rates become as hotels become full or close to full. So that this makes so called ‘last minute deals’ or ‘late rooms’ not bargains at all, but often very expensive. Here at Ely House Hotel, a late deal is always a great rate. But again best policy is usually to contact the hotel as you’ll always get the best rate by contacting the hotel.

A limited amount of rooms is often available at Ely House at great rates for both weekday and weekend stays. These are subject to 1 night cancellation penalty and require full credit card payment on booking. Details are available from the hotel and availability can be checked and bookings made on line.

There are no late deals generally available at present. Contact the hotel for ‘best available rates’


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© Hotels in Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Hotel
Ely House Hotel
53 Tettenhall Road
West Midlands, WV3 9NB
Contact Ely House Hotel:
T: 01902 311311
F: 01902 421098